Skype for business 服务器网站中有哪些内容?
Skype for business 服务器网站中有哪些内容?What's in a Skype for Business Server site?
若要了解更多详细信息, 中心网站还可以具有:To get into more detail, a central site can also have:
多个前端池, 位于同一个域或不同域中 (请记住, 在计划中, 前端池中的所有前端服务器以及池的后端服务器都必须位于同一域中。Multiple Front End pools, in the same domain or different domains (remember in planning that all the Front End Servers in a Front End pool, along with the Back End Servers for the pool, do have to be in the same domain).
多个标准版服务器。Multiple Standard Edition servers.
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