Skype for business 服务器网站中有哪些内容?What's in a Skype for Business Server site?
若要了解更多详细信息, 中心网站还可以具有:To get into more detail, a central site can also have:
多个前端池, 位于同一个域或不同域中 (请记住, 在计划中, 前端池中的所有前端服务器以及池的后端服务器都必须位于同一域中。Multiple Front End pools, in the same domain or different domains (remember in planning that all the Front End Servers in a Front End pool, along with the Back End Servers for the pool, do have to be in the same domain).
多个标准版服务器。Multiple Standard Edition servers.
Office Web Apps 服务器, 与 Skype for Business 服务器中的 Office Web Apps 一起使用, 用于共享和呈现 PowerPoint 演示文稿。Office Web Apps Server, which is used with Office Web Apps in Skype for Business Server for sharing and rendering of PowerPoint presentations.
边缘服务器或边缘池 (在外围网络中)。Edge Server or Edge pool (in a perimeter network). 如果希望部署支持联盟伙伴、公共 IM 连接、可扩展消息传递和状态协议 (XMPP) 网关以及远程用户访问,则需要此组件。Needed if you want your deployment to support federated partners, public IM connectivity, extensible messaging and presence protocol (XMPP) gateway, and remote user access. 有关详细信息, 请参阅 Edge 服务器规划文档。More details can be found in the Edge Server Planning documentation.
持久聊天服务器。Persistent Chat Server. 如果您希望用户能够参与多方、基于主题的持久对话,则此组件将提供帮助。Useful if you want users to be able to take part in multiparty, topic-based conversations that persist over time. 有关规划持久聊天服务器主题的详细信息。There's more information at the Planning for Persistent Chat Server topic.
监控。Monitoring. 用于支持音频/视频 (A/V) 体验质量 (QoE) 的数据收集, 以及部署中的企业语音和音频/视频会议的详细录制 (CDR)。Used to support data collection for audio/video (A/V) Quality of Experience (QoE) and call detail recording (CDR) for Enterprise Voice and A/V conferences in your deployment. 我们将在“规划监控”主题中详细谈论这一内容。We discuss it in detail at the Planning for Monitoring topic.
导演或控制器池。Director or Director pool. 不需要, 但如果你想要提高复原能力并启用将 Skype for Business 用户请求重定向到用户的主池, 这种方法非常有用。Not required, but useful if you want to improve resiliency and enable redirection of Skype for Business user requests to the user's home pool. 如果你想要部署控制器, 每个池中最多支持10个。If you want to deploy Directors, a maximum of 10 per pool is supported. 如果这是你需要的内容, 请务必继续阅读 "规划董事" 主题。If this is something you need, definitely continue reading at the Planning for Directors topic.
反向代理。Reverse proxy. 这不是 Skype for Business 服务器组件, 但是如果你想要支持联合用户共享 web 内容, 如果你想要支持移动通信, 如果你的远程用户想要使用通讯簿、加入会议等, 则可以希望在你的环境中拥有。This isn't a Skype for Business Server component, but if you want to support the sharing of web content for federated users, if you intend to support Mobility traffic, if your remote users want to use the address book, join meetings, and so on, this is something you'll want to have in your environment. 设置反向代理服务器主题时, 你可以查看更多详细信息, 准备就绪。